Bishop Partners is a unique organization designed to support creative, account, marketing and digital media specialists, by helping to identify and present exceptional career opportunities. Bob Bishop has been in the creative and visual communication business for over 35 years. He was a nationally recognized commercial photographer and Vice President of Operations, for a marketing communications firm in St. Louis, with over 70 employees and billing more than $12M annually. He’s been a recruiter for more than 20 years.
He has been a participant, organizer, founder or Board member of many creative and marketing related organizations. He is “a creative” and understands the marketing and digital media mindset. He also understands business issues and making a profit. Bishop Partners is committed to the marketing, advertising and digital media communities.
If you are a Candidate looking for a new opportunity or challenge in the business of marketing, advertising, digital media or communications, we encourage you to contact us. Your inquiry will be handled professionally and in the strictest confidence. We invite you to follow Bishop Partners on LinkedIn. We also invite you to follow Bob, @HeadhunterBob.
Submit Your Resume
If you would like to add your resume to the Bishop Partners’ secure database, just send an email to Bob email with a brief overview of what you’re looking for with the next step in your career. Let him know if you’d like to relocate (and to where) or whether you’re willing to work remotely. Please attach your resume to that email.
We’ll notify you of appropriate opportunities that we think might be of interest to you as they’re identified. Bishop Partners is always looking for talented professionals in the business of digital marketing technology, be it creative, account, data science or executive corporate/brand leaders. We’re proud of the trusted reputation we’ve earned, as demonstrated by the more than 50 testimonials on LinkedIn and this website.
Your information in our database is secure, confidential and only visible to us!
Our Candidates should expect...
Confidentiality and discretion at all times.
Bishop Partners will inform you of all known aspects of the position and the organization prior to a first interview with the hiring organization. We answer all your questions and spend the time needed to properly prepare you.
Resumes will not be sent to a hiring organization without a Candidate’s approval.
Bob will not contact your references without your permission or do anything that might jeopardize your present employment relationship.
Candidates will be kept informed of the status of their candidacy promptly and honestly.
Bishop Partners will continue to communicate with the Candidate (and Client) after the hire, to insure that any transition issues for either party are properly addressed and resolved.
We invite you to look through the references and testimonials provided in this site and on Bob’s LinkedIn Profile to better understand how previous Candidates and Clients have enjoyed working with us. Bob will accept your invitation to join his LinkedIn network. He invites you to follow him on Twitter and/or Instagram.
Notice to Candidates.
It is our policy not to submit a Candidate resume to an employer without the prior consent of the Candidate. However, any information submitted to Bishop Partners, LLC will become the property of Bishop Partners, LLC. It is expressly understood, that by submitting your resume for consideration, you give Bishop Partners, LLC permission to disclose and use said information in its sole discretion.
By submitting this information, you waive all claims of any kind against Bishop Partners, LLC for unauthorized use or disclosure by its employers, associates, or any other parties.
You consent to Bishop Partners verifying all information submitted, including checking references, along with any other activity deemed necessary by Bishop Partners, its Clients or its associates. Unless instructed via email or otherwise in writing by you, any email replies will be sent to the return address on the information you provide.
Since an email response is possible (likely), we urge you to send any information from a secured, private (non employer) email address. We will respond to the sender’s email address, unless otherwise instructed. We cannot be responsible for the consequences of others having access to your email account.
Some of the positions in our specialized search capabilities include:
Account Director
Account Manager, Planner and Researcher
Art Director, Copywriter, Graphic Designer
Brand Manager and Strategist
President, CEO, CMO, CCO, CFO, COO,
Communications and Public Relations Professional
Content Strategist and/or Developer
Digital Designer, UX, UI, PPC, SEM & SEO
eCommerce Professional
General Management Executive
Human Resource Professional
Interactive Designer, Strategist, Producer, Analyst, VP
Marketing Director, VP, EVP, SVP and CMO
Data Strategist and Analyst
Digital Marketing Executive
Digital Project Manager
VP of Marketing and Sales
Creative and/or Design Director
Executive or Group Creative Director
Interactive Designer, UX, UI
Multi-media Designer, Director, Producer, Videographer, Photographer
New Business Developer
VP or EVP and SVP of Interactive Marketing
Data Scientist
VP or Director of Design
Candidates FAQ.
Who pays?
The fees are paid by the Client and have no impact on a Candidate’s compensation package. In fact, we help our Clients and Candidates negotiate the final offer and compensation package.
Why look for the support and assistance of a recruiter?
Recruiters are in the business of discreetly representing the Candidate’s interests to potential Clients. Introductions can be made and resumes presented on a targeted, confidential basis. We understand the need for confidentiality and discretion, and know how to protect that. In many cases, recruiters are familiar with spectacular opportunities first.
What should you look for in a recruiter?
You can benefit from someone who understands your business, background and personal and professional goals. Find a recruiter you like personally, trust and believe will represent your interests in a positive and beneficial light. You’re not looking for someone who is just trying to collect the commission and doesn’t take the time to find out what makes you unique. Blindly sending resumes to Clients is not a worthwhile effort and can detract from a Candidate’s reputation.
How can the recruiter help?
The recruiter can help you become much more familiar with the Client’s corporate culture, reputation, goals and way of doing business. The recruiter should only be interested in presenting you for positions where you will be happy, successful and contribute mightily to the Client’s efforts. Every Candidate is not right for every position. Bishop Partners is not in the business of simply matching resumes to job descriptions.
Why do successful organizations retain a recruiter?
Recruiters can offer discretion and candor. They assist with initial screenings, preliminary portfolio and resume reviews, payroll and benefit negotiations, background and reference checks, interview scheduling, relocations and all of the details essential in placing the Candidate. Sometimes a client’s HR department is simply doesn’t have the time, or is unable to find the Candidate with the skills and experience they need. Many Clients prefer not using internet boards or classifieds because the responding candidates are perceived (rightly or wrongly) as discontent, disloyal, or unemployed. That pool of candidates are obviously not the respondents or applicants of choice!